Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten
Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten is a motivational and educational podcast. Interviews consist of three categories consisting of leaders in the equine industry, business owners or individuals with a uplifting personal experience, or myself sharing business insight. Real, raw, and completely exposed, no fluff, down to Earth interviews to help you gain the grit you need to push through another day with a smile on your face.
Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten
41. Mary White and Alicia Stickel/ 84y.o. Cowgirl Still Cowgirling/Horseback Riding at 80/Never Let Me Know My Last Ride
Welcome back to Big Boss Mare with Brandy Von Holten! Today we have the pleasure of interviewing two cowgirls from West Virginia! Mary White, 84, and Alicia Stickel, 61, drove separately from West Virginia to attend a Big Boss Mare Production called Chix in the Sticks! Mary drove herself and set her trailer up herself! With owning a trail riding facility, it was refreshing to see an older cowgirl out there COWGIRLING!!! Mary had amazing stories about how she married her divorce attorney from her first marriage who later became a Senator! There’s not one cowgirl out there that doesn’t want to be Mary! She already has her next adventured planned for later this year. Alicia invited me to come ride with them in Utah, in Kentucky, and on the beach! Have you ever met someone and knew you would be friends until the end? I met two when I met Mary and Alicia!