Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten
Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten is a motivational and educational podcast. Interviews consist of three categories consisting of leaders in the equine industry, business owners or individuals with a uplifting personal experience, or myself sharing business insight. Real, raw, and completely exposed, no fluff, down to Earth interviews to help you gain the grit you need to push through another day with a smile on your face.
Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten
53. Liz Dingus: Never Too Late/Moving Forward After Tragedy/Death of a Child/Respiratory Therapy/Nontraditional Student/Homeschool Mom/Picking Up the Pieces/Finding Yourself/Inspirational
Welcome back to Big Boss Mare with Brandy Von Holten! OMG, you are going to love today's guest, Liz Dingus! You will join me in rooting for her. 2021 was extremely rough on a lot of people, but it was over the top hard on Liz and her family. In 2021, she lost her mother-in-law, father-in-law, her mother, and her 21 year old son (her 5th child out of 8). Liz talks about this experience and how she found herself at 51 going to college for the FIRST time in her life to become a respiratory therapist. At the time of this interview, she just finished her first semester with all A's! Guys, we cried, we laughed, and I became inspired by Liz. See is the definition of a Big Boss Mare.