Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten
Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten is a motivational and educational podcast. Interviews consist of three categories consisting of leaders in the equine industry, business owners or individuals with a uplifting personal experience, or myself sharing business insight. Real, raw, and completely exposed, no fluff, down to Earth interviews to help you gain the grit you need to push through another day with a smile on your face.
Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten
65. Amber Watkins: Reclaiming Dawn/ healthy products/ essential oils/ natural cleaning products/ wellness/no poisons/ homesteading
Welcome to Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten. It is my pleasure to introduce Amber Watkins, the owner of Reclaiming Dawn. She is done with putting poisons into her body and designed a healthy line of products for skin, hair, laundry, and wellness. Amber is doing the research and finding lie after lie. One common thought that she has had to help people overcome is thinking "clean" has a smell. "Clean" is when there is no smell. If you are DONE with being lied to, then check out Reclaiming Dawn at www.reclaimingdawn.com