Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten
Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten is a motivational and educational podcast. Interviews consist of three categories consisting of leaders in the equine industry, business owners or individuals with a uplifting personal experience, or myself sharing business insight. Real, raw, and completely exposed, no fluff, down to Earth interviews to help you gain the grit you need to push through another day with a smile on your face.
Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten
77. Jen Fizer Fractional CFO / Profit with Jen / Financial Advice / Financial Officer / Mills Knows Bills / Country Tough Times Magazine
Welcome to Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten. Meet Jen Fizer! She is a Fractional CFO (Chief Financial Officer), generally for companies in the 1-10M range. Jen is also an article contributor for Country Tough Times print and digital magazine. You can find even more advice in her section titled "Profit with Jen".
Contact Jen at jen@millsknowsbills.com or pick up your subscription to Country Tough Times at www.countrytoughtimes.com
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