Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten

19. John Sultanov/2nd Generation Russian American, Entrepreneur, and Aspiring Politician

Brandy Von Holten Season 2021 Episode 19

Welcome back to Big Boss Mare with Brandy Von Holten.  Today’s guest is John Sultanov.  John is an entrepreneur, a business owner, a father, a husband, and an aspiring politician.  John is also 2nd generation Russian American.  His family fled religious oppression and Communism.  He has made it his mission to get involved on a local level to ensure American freedoms are upheld.  He feels indebted to the United States for helping his family in a time of need.  John and I are both running for our county’s health board of trustees.  Even though we have different backgrounds, our goals are parallel.  I hope you are enlightened by his perspective.  It is my mission to serve with John on the Pettis County Health Board of Trustees.  Even though he and I are technically opponents, the county would equally benefit from electing either of us.  It is with great honor to introduce John Sultanov.